RCKF Coiled Steel Wagons





The basis for the RCKF is the BGB “VFSX” (Cat. no. BK30) or the “CSX” (Cat. no. BK31).


Drill underframe as per instructions for bogies and handrails.


Revert to the top section and select one of the three coil cradle units (either the middle one or one of the outer ones, but not ones on the extremities). By using one of the outer cradles you will have a spare one for a later project!


The length of the finished cradle must be 36.5mm long. Cut cradle 36.5 mm (18.25 mm either side of its centre). I used a mitre box using a brand new X-Acto saw blade. Take care with your cutting because this product is brittle.


Secure the cradle to the dead centre of the chassis.



Using 0.020” styrene, cut two rectangular sections 26 mm x 4 mm, then cut these pieces diagonally, corner to corner, to make four triangular pieces.


Glue these into position, butting up to the centre cradle.


When dry, sand all side detail from the model. Use modeller’s putty to fill any gaps or irregularities in the sides.




Cut 4 x 3.00 mm sections of Evergreen Styrene (Cat.no. 262 Channel) stake pockets and fit each one to the outer ends of the centre cradle (see photo of completed model at top of page). 


Fit fine detail, as per instructions.


Paint model in National Rail Grey, and decal when dry.


Assemble Hanovale or Scaleways cradles as per instructions, and paint National Rail Orange.


Glue each of these cradles 12.00 mm in from the ends of the wagon.



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