RCKF Jumbo Coil Wagon



As demands for Jumbo coil increased over medium size coils, more wagons capable of carrying Jumbo coils were needed. These wagons were converted from RCSF coil wagons in 2004. The centre medium coil cradle was retained and the rest were removed. In their place, a cradle for carrying Jumbo coils was fitted at each end.


Length: 12.3m              Tare: 22t                      Capacity: 70t                Gross: 90t


Bogies: XCL


Running Numbers: 15-T, 18-A, 24-S, 32-X, 60-Y, 74-M, 87-B


Colour Schemes:

            As can be seen from the photos, some were only ‘touched up’ where modification work has been done. Others have had a full repaint.



-           The wagon can be converted from a BGB VR CSX kit as described in the following article by S.Pracy and D.Willoughby – Modelling the RCKF



RCKF Codeboard                                                                               RCKF 18A in service                           S.Pracy Photo


RCKF 24S in service