NQRX Container Wagon



NQRX 60252B in storage in Enfield Yd, 2005.                                                            Josh Beveridge


            These wagons were converted from JLX/NLJX louvred vans. The van body was removed, as was some of the deck. They are fitted with automatic marine twistlocks and can carry 2 x 20ft or 1 x 40ft container.

            The majority of the fleet had very short lives as a container wagon, all but 2 were modified into NKQX Sheet steel wagons about 1 year after conversion from louvred vans.



56 were converted in Bathurst Workshops during 1988.


Allocated Numbers: They were renumbered 60225 – 60274 and 60420 – 60426.


Length: 18m                 Tare: 19t                                  Capacity: 69t                            Gross:  80t                   Equiv Length: 2.7


Bogies: They retained their van bogies when converted, XCL – XCG – XCF types.



-                     Only ever carried the NQRX code.


Colour Scheme:

-                     They were patched up with mid grey primer when converted, but are now heavily weathered. Lettering, steps/handrails and bogies axle box covers are repainted regularly.


Modifications: All except 2 wagons (60241H & 60252B) were converted to NKQX sheet steel wagons in about 1989-90.


Similar Vehicles: NKQX - RKQX/F, SQKF.


Period of Service: 1998 – 2000. In 2006, the 2 remaining are currently stored.



            The wagons were used primarily on intrastate container services such as Sydney trip trains and on western and northern cotton trains. The 2 surviving wagons were regulars on the Griffith and Tamworth Speedfreights.



No kit is available and would have to be scratchbuilt.



NQRX 60241H at Griffith in 1999.



NQRX 60241H in storage at Enfield Yd, showing, the extent of deck removal. Josh Beveridge.



NQRX 60252B, also in Enfield Yd showing it’s different skeletal deck design.   Josh Beveridge