RSH Sand Hopper
RSH 26017 at RVR in 2005. Josh
23 Steel and timber bodied LCH/CCH
coal hoppers were fitted with roofs to carry sand. They have a payload capacity
of 8.9m3. They seem to have been fitted with at least 2 types of roof designs.
The most common design consists of a sheet metal lid in the shape of a low-pitched
pyramid with a single flap loading hatch. The other design looks similar to an
RU wheat hopper roof, it slopes both ways with doubled hinged loading hatches.
10 Random Running Numbers: 10312, 10511, 12462, 13313, 19306, 20044, 25961, 26017, 26172 and 28114.
Length: 16ft (4.8m) Tare: 8t Capacity: 16t Gross: 22t Equiv Length: 1
Coding: Only coded RSH
Colour Scheme: Painted in NSWR Gunmetal grey overall with white lettering and details. Painted in other liveries depending on
Similar Vehicles:
Period of Service:
Operation: Used to convey sand for building and construction customers. The North Coast was a popular area for sand mining.
Modelling: PLAN Could be converted from any LCH/CCH RTR model or kit.
RSH 26017 has signage and lettering for a customer transporting fertilizer.