RQRY Container Wagon
New RQRY 01007W with a 48ft coil
steel baskets at Morandoo. Jan 2008 Josh
These wagons were delivered to Pacific National
for heavy 48ft container traffic. They have a skeletal deck, which is not flat but
droops from the centre beam to the edges of the deck and are fitted with 8
automatic twistlocks, which allow them to carry
either 2 x 20ft, 1 x 40ft or 1 x 48ft container.
A large number of them have been utilized to carry
wire-in-coil 48ft ‘baskets’ of either single or double tier.
180 wagons were built by Bradken, with the first delivered in November 2007. Running
numbers are 1001-1180.
15.2m Tare: 17.5t Capacity:
74.5t Gross:
Bogies: 70t
Ride Control RRXE CCSB bogie with 840mm wheelsets.
have only ever been coded RQRY
wagons are painted PN blue with yellow outrigger edges. Bogies are black and
the codeboard is black with white lettering.
Wagons: FCL PRRY
These wagons can be seen all over
the standard gauge network from Brisbane to Perth on Pacific National
intermodal and steel trains.
Modelling: Plan
could be modelled by using Auscision
Models PRRY wagons.
CAD Drawing of the RQRY
Codeboard and coiled rod basket details. Josh
RQRY 1111G with 48ft container. Wongm’s Rail Gallery
RQRY 1112P loaded with ‘Butterboxes’.
Wongm’s Rail Gallery
RQRY 1102H with heavy duty 48ft coiled rod
basket, Morandoo 2008. Chris Jones
RQRY 1108P fitted with a 48ft double coiled rod
basket. Roger Jones
For more photo’s, go to Roger Jones RQRY wagon page.