RCX Coil Steel Wagon


A train on the railway tracks

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RCX 23150 at South Dynon in November 1978.                                                                                            Rob O’Regan


These wagons were converted from EMX flat wagons in 1977. Their timber decks were removed and rubber lined cradles for 8 Coil steel rolls were fitted.


 Running Numbers: 21 were converted, their numbers are: 23121, 23122, 23124, 23126, 23130, 23131, 23133, 23134, 23135, 23137, 23138, 23140, 23141, 23142, 23143, 23144, 23145, 23147, 23150, 23155, 23156.


Length: 13.72m                       Width: 2.74m                          Height: 1.8m  

Tare: 25t                                 Capacity: 51t (later 55t)          Gross: 76t (later 80t)               Equiv Length: 2.2


Bogies: XCL, XC and XCG



-                      Originally RCX,

-                      Recoded NCRX after 1979,

-                      Recoded RCRX when transferred to NRC.


Colour Scheme:

-                      Painted gunmetal grey with white lettering upon conversion. Some received SRA red and NRC grey liveries with ownership changes.


Period of Service: 1977 – 2005.


Operation: Used exclusively on steel services throughout the SG network.


Modelling: PLAN - Wagon has to be scratchbuilt.


A train on the tracks

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NCRX 23143 on VR XC bogies stored at Goulburn in 1996.                                     Norm Bray photo


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Deck detail of the wagon at Leightonfield in early 00s.


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RCRX 23133H at Leightonfield.                                                                                                                     Steve Pracy


A picture containing ground, transport, outdoor, train

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NRC grey liveried RCRX on a SteelLink service in the early 00s.                                         Norm Bray photo


A train on the railway tracks

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RCRX 23124K at Port Kembla North Yard.                                                                                       Steve Pracy


A picture containing outdoor, transport, old, sandy

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RCRX 23135 on a SteelLink service in Victoria during the early 00’s.                                             Justin Moy