RCJY 2338-H Coiled Steel Wagons





The RCJY coiled steel carrying wagon is derived from the conversion of RQKY container wagons, and is used for the carriage of jumbo coiled steel.  These wagons still retain their container locking pins for possible conversion back to container-carrying wagons.


The basis for the actual model is the BGB “RMX” 63’0” (19.20 m)

container-carrying wagon. The modeller must firstly fully assemble the wagon in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.



Fit shunters’ end steps. For this I recommend those produced by either Steam Era or B J Models.


Bend and fit the four corner steps, using either the wire provided in the RMX kit, or wire of your choice. (See photo).


Select a 20’ container of your preference; Walther’s make excellent models. You will now use this container to create a template for drilling holes on the deck of the wagon for the marine-type twist locks, plus drilling holes in the bottom of the container for the locating wires to lock the containers onto the deck. This enables the wagon to run either empty or loaded, without the need of having to permanently fix the containers to the wagon.


For the template I used a piece of 0.040” styrene, cut to the length and width of the bottom of the container, making sure all is square. You can also use brass or aluminium sheet.


When satisfied, and using a No.77 drill bit, drill a hole on each of the four corners of the template ½ mm from the sides and ends. This is now your template for drilling all wagons and container bottoms for placement on any of your container wagons that are fitted with marine-type twist locks.


Locate the wagon’s centre of length plus the template’s centre of length and overlay the template onto the wagon, making sure that the template is accurately centred on the width of the wagon. Drill holes for twist locks.


To repeat for the end containers, centre the template in the remaining end areas and drill holes.


Cut 0.015” wire 3.5 mm long, locate in each of the holes for the twist locks so that the wires project 2.0 mm above deck of wagon. Glue from underneath.


Using 0.020” Evergreen styrene sheet cut 12 pieces, each 4 mm long and 2 mm wide. Drill a hole in each, centred both in length and width.


Using a small dab of superglue, secure each piece to deck of wagon over wire for twist locks, making sure that they are longitudinally square.


Assemble two coiled steel cradles as per the instructions. Both Hanovale and Scaleways manufacture excellent cradles. Do not secure them to the wagon until painting of both cradles and wagon is complete. The cradles can be painted National Rail Grey.       


As the model is now structurally complete (apart from the fitting of bogies, couplers and detailing pieces of your choice) it can now be painted Australian National Green.


When both the wagon and cradles are thoroughly dry superglue the cradles to the wagon centrally over each bogie.


Decals for the code boards for this vehicle came from the scrap box, using both HO and N scale pieces.






Assorted RCJY detail photos.



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