PTW Limestone Tanker



Overhead view of PTW 23768. Note the open underframe, the only PTW so featured.

Photographer Unknown


These unique hoppers were built using KF flat wagons. Twin ‘V’ shaped tanks were fitted to the deck. Discharge was pneumatic and the angled tank design aided in the unloading. It is interesting to note that only the tanks were privately owned, the underframes remained the property of the NSWGR. In 1970, 2 were leased to CSR. They were used in the conveyance of limestone dust (lime) between Berrima BCSC and the ‘Colonial Sugar Refining Co’ plant at Rhodes.



            It is believed that at least 5 were converted by Clyde Wagon works. They were numbered 21066, 23768, 27262, 27957 and 27674.


Length: 6.71m                          Tare: 14t                      Capacity: 24t                Gross: 38t        Equilivent Length: 1.2



-                     Only ever coded PTW (Powder Tank Wagon)


Colour Scheme:

-                     Tank was painted white. Underframe was black with white lettering.


Period of Service: 19xx till late 1982.

It is not yet known when individual numbers were in service. Railway records show 3 were in service in 1969 (27262, 27957 and 27674), with the last two, 27066 and 23768, in service until 1982.



            Thanks to retired NSWGR enginemen, Colin Hussey, we are able to gain a detailed insight into the movements of these wagons.


“In the 1960’s, it was usual that once loaded at Berrima, the wagons were taken to Enfield on No.78 pickup, transferred on No.4 trip to Rhodes and unloaded. After unloading, they were picked up by No.232a trip and taken to Enfield Yd, then shunted onto either 401 Sth or 309 Sth goods trains and returned to Berrima. Any delay in unloading meant that No.20 trip train would pick them up at Rhodes and take them to Enfield Yd.

Also any delays in loading at Berrima usually meant that they would travel on No.392 goods to Clyde Yd, placed on No.20 trip train to Nth Strathfield and then taken by No.4 trippy to Rhodes”.


Remaining Examples:    PTW 21066 is preserved at Dorrigo Museum.





            -           Lloyds Model Railways produced a HO kit in 1999. It is still listed on the AR Kits order form, but is currently not available.



An aged PTW enroute to Rhodes.                                                        Photographer Unknown



Out-of-focus, but a colour photo none the less.

A video capture from ‘The Last Decade of Steam Vol 2’ by Rowlingstock Productions




Preserved PTW 21066 at Dorrigo.                   Casula Hobbies Collection