TE/NZEA High Capacity Flat Wagon



A Centurion tank loaded onto TE 11200 at Darling Harbour.                       NSWGR Photo


These heavy duty wagons were built for the Department of Army to mobilise Centurion tanks when duty calls. They were used to carry various other military equipment and were made available to the NSWGR for special load traffic as required. They are a girder-framed design with wooden decking.


Builders: 6 wagons were built by Clyde Wagon Workshops in 1951 to Shop Order 25782. Service entry dates were:

July 1951 - TE 11142, November 1951 - TE 11153, TE 11160, TE 11189, TE 11195 and December 1951 - TE 11200.


Length:                9.14m          Tare:    19t                   Capacity:         56t                   Gross:    75t                 Equiv Length:  1.5


Bogies: Originally 2CF, then some fitted with XCF.



-                      Originally coded TE

-                      Recoded NZEA after 1979.

-                      Some recoded NZEF when fitted with roller bearing bogies.


Colour Scheme: Gunmetal lacquer with white lettering.


Modifications: The wagons could be fitted with bolsters if required.


Period of Service: 1952 – 1989. Some now reside at Monnagetta.


Operation:       They were used by the ARMY at times to move equipment for training, but specific reasons are not known. Members of this class were commonly used as spacers between the SL special load wagons.


Plan: Outline Drawing



Sydney Hobbies have a HO scale model of this wagon, and are available from Casula Hobbies.




NZEF 11200P at Monnagetta, VIC in November 1993.                                                                   Norm Bray




NZEF 11142S at Monagetta, VIC in 1993.                                                                                       Norm Bray




The decks of 4 NZEF’s stored at Monagetta in 1993.