NQFF 3 TEU Container Wagon



A new NQFF 21588A heads south thru Picton on 26/8/99.                              Ben Noakes


The 158 NQFF were converted from the NQFX bulkhead container flats in 1998. The conversion included removal of the bulkheads, lightening of the wagon by removal of much of the deck, some underframe alterations and the fitting of twistlocks. This series of conversions extinguished the NQFX code.


Date Introduced:           1998


Running Numbers:        NQFF 21491 – 21600, the NQFFs retained the number of the parent wagon.


Length: 19.61 m (over headstocks), 20.5 m coupled length Tare:           20 t      Capacity:          56 t                  Gross:  76 t


Bogies:             The wagons are believed to have retained the bogies of the parent NQFX, generally XCL type.



-                     The modified wagons were introduced as NQFF and have retained that code


Colour Scheme:

-                     Freightcorp blue with minor yellow



-           Used mainly on intrastate container services, including private operator services, but some can be found on interstate services from time to time.



-                     No model is known. While a model could be kit bashed from an AR Kits CFX it would probably be easier to scratchbuild.



NQFF 21572, Sept 2005                                                                                 Roger Jones



NQFF deck showing the floor removal.                                                            Josh Beveridge



NQFF End.                                          Josh Beveridge