SDW Side Dump Wagon



A poor quality image, but it clearly shows the original colour scheme of these wagons.


These wagons are a standard US design ‘Difco’ side dump vehicle. They were imported by BHP for use as slag wagons.




-                     1st contract builder, build period and running numbers

-                     2nd contract etc


Other Running Numbers: 1474


Length:                         Tare:                            Capacity:                                  Gross:                          Equiv Length:


Bogies: detail types fitted (dates if possible)



-                     As introduced, they were coded SDW

-                     They were recoded NOPA in 1979,

-                     And again recoded NDSF in

-                     RailCorp began recoding the wagons, NHSF in late 2006.


Colour Scheme:

-                     As introduced, they were painted a chrome yellow all over with black bogies. A 2-tone blue L7 logo on white background was attached to the sides.

-                     Any other colour schemes it has appeared in.


Modifications: Has the wagon been modified into anything else? Delete entire line if not applicable


Similar Vehicles: If a similar or near identical wagon exists, provide a wagon code/link.


Period of Service:



            These wagons are specifically used on maintenance trains. They are operated in numbers of up to 10 at a time



Walthers have a close model available in RTR, it is based on the US ‘Difco’ version but could be kitbashed into a closer representative.


Further reading:

-                     If wagon has been featured in a magazine or book, please specify.



Add more pictures here – Need pictures of each colour scheme the wagon has appeared in, pictures of modified parts and pictures of the vehicle as it has weathered in each colour scheme. Include captions where possible and photographer’s name.

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