NCNX 31676 in SRA Red
NCNX 31928 in PTC Blue
Parts required
for the NCX/NCNX are:-
BGB “VFSX” (Cat. BK.30)
Fishbelly MLV underframe form Scaleways and Hanovale; or scratchbuild
Bogies of your choice;
Couplers of your choice;
AR Kits “BCH/FWH” decal;
Drill and tap
holes for bogies and Kadee couplers in fishbelly underframe.
Secure the BGB
top casting to the Scaleways’ underframe casting, making sure that it is
centred and equi-distant from each end.
Assemble the top coil cradle section to your
choice, and as per the BGB instructions.
Drill and fit
side steps, handrails and other fine detail to your choice.
Paint in PTC Blue
or SRA Indian Red.
Decal to the
photo of your choice.