MCE Coil Steel Wagon




MCE 26411 at Albury in November 1978.                                                                            Rob O’Regan


MLE, UME and EMX flat wagons were fitted with cradles in readiness for coil steel output from Pt Kembla steelworks. They retained their timber decks initially but at some stage most had their decks replaced with expanded steel mesh. 4 coil cradles were fitted to the MCE/MCU’s, whilst 5 cradles were fitted to the MCX’s.




-                      9 EMX’s were converted, numbered 23125, 23129, 23132, 23136, 23151, 23153, 23154, 23158, 23160.

-                      5 MLE’s were converted, numbered 24354, 26370, 26411, 26470, 26505.

-                      2 UME’s were converted, numbered 26493, 26494.


  MCE/MCU - Length:                                   Tare:                            Capacity:                                 Gross:                          Equiv Length: 2.2

MCX - Length: 13.7m                        Tare: 22t                      Capacity: 52t                           Gross: 74t                    Equiv Length: 2.2


Bogies: MCE/MCU – 2CF, MCX – 2CL.



-                      Those converted from MLE, were recoded MCE,

-                      Those from UME, were recoded MCU,

-                      Those from EMX, were recoded MCX.

-                      After 1979, the MCE/MCU’s were recoded NCLA/F and the MCX’s were recoded NCLX.


Colour Scheme:

-                      As converted, they were painted in the standard gunmetal grey livery.


Period of Service: Mid 1970’s – late 1990’s, although the NCLA/F’s (ex MLE/UME) wagons were all out of service by 1992.


Operation: These wagons were used in block loads on steel services out of Pt Kembla and Morandoo. The MCX’s were capable of bogie-exchanging, but it is unknown if they operated into Victoria on broad gauge bogies.



They could be built from any available MLE model. Coil cradle kits are available from Hanovale and Scaleways in HO scale. A model of an EMX converted wagon would have to be scratchbuilt.




Ex UME, MCU 26493 at Albury in November 1978.                                                           Rob O’Regan




Ex EMX, MCX 23154 at Albury in November 1978.                                                           Rob O’Regan




NCLF’s with timber decks on a steel train in the mid 80’s.                                       Steve Pracy




A pair of tarped NCLX’s at Cringilla.                                                                        Steve Pracy




NCLX 23153 stored at Pt Kembla in April 2004.                                                                                          Josh Beveridge