ICX Container Wagon


A race car on a track

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ICX 14801 in fresh PTC Blue at Clyde Wagon Workshops.                                                             SRA Photo


The ICX family of wagons were the first purpose-built container wagon in NSW. Several other classes of flat wagon had been converted to carry containers but the later versions of the ICX were built with skeletalised decks to reduce wagon tare weight and maximise payload.



            A total of 255 wagons were built in 6 batches.

-                      40 were built by Chullora Workshops between 1968-69, and numbered 14501-14540

-                      15 were built by Chullora Workshops in 1971, and numbered 14486-14500 (Fitted with 415V cabling)

-                      30 were built by Perway Workshops in 1972, and numbered 14456-14485 (14471-14485 fitted with 415V cabling)

-                      45 were built by Clyde Wagon Workshops in 1974, and numbered 14801-14845

-                      75 were built by Goninan, Newcastle between 1975-76, and numbered 22101-22175

-                      50 were built by Goninan, Newcastle between 1980-81, and numbered 10151-10200


Length:            13.72m            Tare:    SCE/ECX        22t       Capacity:         52t                   Gross:  70t                   Equiv Length: 2.2

ICX                 18t                               58t                               76t

NQIY              20t                               60t                               80t

NQHX            18t                               62t                               80t


Bogies: SCE – Plain Bearing type, ECX/ICX – XCG and NQIY – 2CM. Some later fitted with XCF/XCL bogies.




Deck as built

As Introduced

ROA recode

Later Recoding





NQIF when fitted with roller bearing bogies XCF





NQHX - 415V cabling removed and deck skeletalised.





NSPF – 6 allocated to ICI Explosive traffic.










NQHX - 415V cabling removed and deck skeletalised.





NCIX for jumbo coil traffic. Recoded to RCIX with NRC





RQIY when allocated to NRC

Later coding:  

-                      NSPF 14458, 14461, 14464.

-                      122 x NQHXs were converted from 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th batch is wagon in the last 1980’s for ore trains from Cobar and Blayney.


Colour Scheme:

-                      As delivered, all batches except the last painted PTC Teal Blue.

-                      NQIY, were painted SRA Red.

-                      22100 series NQIXs were repainted SRA red in the mid 80’s.


Modifications: Many of the ECX’s had their 415V cabling and decks removed when converted to NQHX.


Similar Vehicles: …….the ODDITIES!


A train travels down the tracks

Description automatically generated with medium confidence     A train on the railway tracks

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NTAF on NQIY chassis                                                                                 NQIX 60280 converted from a GLX underframe


Period of Service: 1968 to Current day.



-                      ICXs were pooled into the general NSW regional container traffic fleet.

-                      ECX’s were used on mechanical ‘Reefer’ refrigerated container services from country meat works to Darling Harbour and interstate capitals. The power for the ‘Reefers’ was supplied by EHG Power Vans (converted MHG’s).

-                      NSPF wagons replaced BPV Powder Vans in moving explosives in ICI Explosive containers between Tocumwal and NSW mine and quarry locations.

-                      NQIY are pooled into the Interstate container traffic fleet. They were allocated to NRC upon inception.

-                      In 2005, PN transferred 30 assorted NQIF/NQIX/NQHXs to Tasmania and recoded them QX 500-530.

-                      Since 2005, 90% of the remaining ECX/SCE/ICX have been used on the daily Veolia Waste train, which operates daily to Tarago, NSW.



-                      Scaleways produced a urethane kit modelled after wagon ICX 14467. It represents any wagon in the 2nd batch.

-                      Scaleways produced a urenthane kit representing the 3rd and 4th batch (Clyde Wagon Works) but modelled with a full deck.

-                      Scaleworks produced a laser cut styrene sheet kit representing the 5th batch (Goninan) in 1999.

-                      In Front Models produced a urethane kit representing the 5th batch (Goninan) in 2018. It is currently available.

-                      SDS Models produced a RTR HO scale model of the solid and skeletal deck ICX’s in 2019 and are currently available.


Plans:              1st batch SCE              2nd batch ECX             3rd / 4th batch ICX                   5th batch ICX


Further reading:

-                      Freight Wagons in NSW, 1982 by John Beckhaus.


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1st batch SCE 14527 at Dynon in 1979.                                                                                 Rob O’Regan


A train on the railway tracks

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2nd batch ECX 14492 Albury Nov’78.                                                                                               Rob O’Regan


A train on the tracks

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2nd batch wagon but carrying a 1st batch running number!!                                                   Steven Pracy


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2nd batch and ex ECX - NQHX 14490V at Enfield Yard in 2007.                                         Josh Beveridge


A train on the railway tracks

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3rd batch ICX but as NSPF 14458 with ICI Explosive RACE containers at Albury in 1979.           Rob O’Regan


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NSPF 14461 at Albury in 1979. NOTE: The angled side sill ends of the 3rd batch.                          Rob O’Regan


A train on the tracks

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3rd batch ICX 14469 at South Dynon in 1979.                                                                       Rob O’Regan


A train on the railway tracks

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3rd batch NQIX 14471R with Peter’s Milk ISO tank-containers.


A train on the railway tracks

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4th batch ICX 14810 at Wodonga Coal Siding, August ’79.                                                              Rob O’Regan


A train on the railway tracks

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4th batch RQIX with coil steel ‘Butter boxes’ at Pt Kembla Yard in 2005.                                       Steven Pracy


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5th batch NQIX 22163 with OAK Milk ISO tanktainers at Taree in 1994.                            Allan Brown


A train on the railway tracks

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A pair of 5th batch NCIX’s passing Cringila.                                                             Steven Pracy


A train on the railway tracks

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5th batch NQHX 22175 loaded with Ore containers at Morandoo in 2004.   Josh Beveridge


A train on the railway tracks

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6th batch NQIY 10173 with Dairy Farmers Milk ISO tanktainers.


A train on the tracks

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6th batch NQIY 10159J with NGA containers.                                               SDS photo