CG – NOEF Zinc Concentrate Wagon


NOEF 31861 – CG as rebuilt in the early 1970’s with higher sides.


The CG concentrate wagons were built to complement the GP open wagons as zinc traffic demands increased. They were primarily designed and used to carry zinc concentrate traffic from Broken Hill/Cobar to Sulphide Junction/Pt Kembla, but would very occasionally turn up on other traffic.

They were one of the shortest bogie wagons in service on the NSW railways. They are all steel wagons, with external square tube bracing. The side of the wagon slope inwards, towards the bottom. The wagons were designed to be unloaded by ‘tipplers’ but were unloaded by overhead crane with ‘clamshell’ bucket.

As delivered, wagons numbered 31801-31845 & 31848-31852 were coded CGX, to indicate they were suitable for bogie exchange. The remainder were coded CG from new. It is not known what purpose these wagons served, but they were all recoded to CG almost immediately.

By June 1992, only 32 were still in use, but as environmental restrictions arose requiring the concentrate be covered, they were superseded by NQIX type container wagons loaded with a pair of special concentrate containers.


Builders: Superior Weld in St Mary’s NSW.


-                     85 wagons were built in July – December 1968, numbered 31801-31885.


Length: 33ft (10.45m)   Tare:    18.3t    Gross: 56t


Bogies: Originally 2CG, but later 2CO, 2CF and 2CL types have been used.


Colour Schemes:

-                     As delivered, painted in standard ‘Gunmetal Lacquer’ with white lettering.

-                     In 1973-76, at least 21 CG’s were painted ‘PTC Blue’ with white lettering.

-                     In 1979-82, as they came due for overhaul, some were painted ‘SRA’ red with white lettering. At this time the fleet was recoded NOEF.



-                     Most were rebuilt from original low sided to high sided in early 1970’s. But at least one (31854) spent its life in original condition, and still coded CG in 1984!

-                     Recoded NOEF by 1981.

-                     10 were rebuilt as CTP Coil wagons in 1971. They were fitted with a cradle for carrying coiled tinplate, but the cradles were removed and they reverted to normal CG’s by 1975.

-                     From 1988, 23 were converted to NCGX and 4 to NCPF Coil wagons.


Modelling in HO:


-                     Casula Hobbies have just released (late 2005) a Urethane kit of the CG/NOEF, in both the low and high-sided versions. See review article on CG/NOEF Kit

-                     Hanovale Model Casting has also produced a kit of the high-sided version. Still available

-                     Rails North produced a kit, but is no longer available.


Further Information:


The December 1992, issue 177, has an excellent article by Paul Rogers on the CG/CGX/NOEF wagon. It contains a plan, detail photos and running numbers of various versions.



New CGX 31801 stands at Chullora after delivery.                                           SRA photo



CGX 31801 being placed on its bogies upon delivery.                                       SRA photo



The end of a CGX.                                                                                           SRA photo


NOEF 31881 in Albury Yd in 2004                                                      Keith Newell