Open wagon
BDY 20411 at Clyde Yd on 15/9/77. John
These versatile
opens wagons have been modified into more variations than any other. In their original
form, they were used on any traffic that could be loaded into the body. They
were introduced to provide new, high speed (115km/h) general freight wagons.
Coded BDY as
delivered, they were fitted with provisions for tarpaulin ridgepoles. They are of
steel construction with corrugated sides and two sets of double door on each side. As their body condition deteriorated,
their body was first repaired, and then removed completely in later
modifications. Their numbers lasted well into the mid 1990’s when most were
taken into NRC ownership and modified beyond recognition.
600 wagons were built by EPT between 1977 and 1981 in 3
contracts of 200 each.
1st contract were
coded BDY and numbered 20411-20610
2nd contract were
coded BDY and numbered 20201-20400
3rd contract were
coded NODY and numbered 20801-21000.
Renumbering: NCTY wagons
converted for coil steel traffic were renumbered in the 85100-85123 series.
Length: 14.2m Tare: 23.7t Capacity: 54t Gross:
Bogies: 2CM (YMC)
Colour Schemes:
As delivered the first 2 contracts were painted PTC
blue with 2-tone blue L7’s on white background
Wagons of the 3rd contract were painted SRA
Red with 2-tone blue L7’s and PTC blue bogies.
Over time many blue BDY’s received NODY coding, and
likewise some BDY’s were painted SRA red prior recoding.
Only 1 wagon, NODY 20429, is thought to have been
painted Black.
Wagons of the 1st and 2nd
contracts were coded BDY as delivered.
The 3rd batch of wagon were delivered as
The BDY’s became NODY from 1979.
Recodings fall into 3
Steel Traffic
146 were recoded NKHY between 1987-91 to carry Hot
Slab and signposted accordingly.
52 were recoded NKDY between 1990-92 for
40 were recoded NKJY between 1989-92 for.
Coil Steel Traffic
20 of the1st batch BDY’s were recoded CCY
in 1978 for coil traffic. They were recoded NCDY in 1988. One reverted to NODY.
24 had their doors removed, fitted with 2 coil cradles
and signposted for ‘Tubemakers’ traffic in 1987. They
were recoded NCTY.
41 were recoded NCCY in 1988-90 for
20 were recoded NCMY in 1990 for
5 NCMY’s were recoded NCMX in 1992 for
23 were recoded NCQX in 1991, body removed
and 3 Jumbo coil cradles fitted.
21 NCQX’s were recoded NQCF in 1992.
14 were converted to coil wire wagons and recoded NCOF
in 1991-92.
Container Traffic
1 wagon (20533) was specially modified and recoded
NOSY in 1991 for container traffic
Many others had their doors removed and recoded NOJY
in 1992 for metropolitan container traffic.
Most remaining open wagons (193) were converted to
NQYY container wagons from 1998.
In August 1993, the
wagon disposition was:
8 |
52 |
19 |
148 |
4 |
39 |
15 |
232 |
14 |
1 |
27 |
Sub Total |
597 |
14 |
Less condemned |
3 |
23 |
Total |
600 |
After this time NRC
began operations and as such took ownership of all coil/steel wagons in use.
All versions were recoded with an ‘R’ as first letter. Further modifications
made by NRC include:
RCAF, body removed and fitted with 2 Jumbo coil
RKLY, body removed and fitted with twistlocks
for coil containers
Other NODY’s had their
bodies removed and decking removed from the underframe in a similar fashion to
the NOSY. They have been coded NQYY/TY.
Modelling: See article on Modelling Steel wagons by S.Pracy and D.Willoughby
Austrains released a HO RTR
model of the BDY/NODY in 2001.
Scaleways produced a HO Kit
for the RKLY and RKDF.
Auscision Models produced an RTR HO model in 2016.
Further Reading:
Outline PLAN available here.
August 1993 issue of the AMRM has an excellent article
on the BDY/NODY by Andrew Hayne.
NODY 20835 in Dubbo Yd, 1980 Bob
A nicely weathered NCDY 20469U.
Andrew Hayne
NCTY 85117G ‘Tubemakers Structural’ Coil
wagon. Pt Waratah 1991. Phil Collins
NKHY 20603 with BHP and caution signage. Goulburn 1992. Peter Clark
NCMF 20533V coil wagon NCMY
20569P coil wagon
NCDY 20228 slab wagon RCKY
Sheet Steel wagon
RCQF 3 Jumbo coil wagon RCAF
20240P 2 Jumbo coil wagon
RCOF Coil Wire wagon – RCOF 85048 Empty and RCOF 85046 Loaded
Two RKDF’s with panels repaired after rust
RKHY with
at Leightonfield 2003
NEW RLKY at Leightonfield RKLY
loaded with NRC Coil Containers ‘Butter Boxes’
Most photos S.Pracy
Collection, some P.Collins